Maliz - Centro medico a Rho (Milano)

Gut Microbiota

Metagenomics and Nutrition Genomics.
A simple test that can give us many answers.

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    The microbiota can determine and/or exacerbate.

    Achieving a higher state of health can be reached through targeted interventions and, sometimes, by committing to a process that involves nutrition, physical activity, and both physical and mental well-being.

    It is widely known, for example, that all weight loss diets certainly provide noticeable results, but once they are interrupted—at a variable time for each person—the lost weight is inevitably regained. Therefore, the sacrifices made cannot guarantee a result that lasts indefinitely.

    Starting from this premise, Metagenomics constitutes the essential starting point for defining a proper nutritional style. The Metagenomic test allows for a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the intestinal microbiota through DNA sequencing performed on a fecal sample. In this way, it is possible to identify each individual’s specific nutritional pathway, and thus identify predispositions and risk factors for diseases such as autoimmune, cardiometabolic, or neurodegenerative conditions. So, it is not just another diet that can achieve a temporary result, but a guide to creating a life model directed toward health.

    For this reason, Metagenomics (study of the microbiota) is aimed not only at those who wish to achieve their ideal weight but also at those who want to embark on a path that improves their quality of life and maintains high levels of health.

    The study of the intestinal microbiota is not only a current topic but can open up an innovative nutritional approach capable of positively addressing a range of physiological and pathological conditions. It has been shown to be involved in protection against pathogens, modulation of the immune system, and development of physiological, sub-pathological, and pathological situations.

    1) Intestinal diseases.

    Intestinal diseases are becoming increasingly common, ranging from postprandial bloating to gastroesophageal reflux, constipation to recurring diarrhea, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Crohn’s disease to ulcerative colitis.

    2) Extra-intestinal diseases.

    These include almost all diseases, from autoimmune (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, fibromyalgia, celiac disease, …) to metabolic (diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, …) to neurodegenerative (such as schizophrenia, depression, Parkinson’s, …) to respiratory (such as allergies, asthma, …) and many other conditions. In conclusion, the intestinal microbiota, while not being considered the cause, is undoubtedly an important cofactor in all extra-intestinal pathological conditions.

    Nutrition Genomics

    Knowing the microbiota of a patient means:

    • Setting a diet tailored to actual needs;
    • Working on the prevention of many diseases.

    Based on this knowledge and the patient’s detailed medical history, a map of food suitability is created, which shows how well the body tolerates each food (from spices and herbs to meats, fish, and different types of carbohydrates).

    This map serves as the core and focal point for creating the actual diet, which, rather than focusing solely on caloric calculation (although that is considered), is based on the use of individual foods. It keeps unsuitable foods in check, which can contribute to weight gain and the worsening of pathological or sub-pathological states, while promoting the consumption of those that improve personal metabolism and help achieve better health by providing the body with all the necessary nutrients.

    Each food is included not only by assessing its composition (percentages of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, trace elements, etc.) but also its biological mechanisms and, especially, its effects on the microbiota, remembering that

    “We are what the microbiota metabolizes from what we eat”

    In other words, everything we ingest, after a complex biochemical process, not only becomes our blood, bones, muscles, and organs but also affects our intermediate metabolism, is a direct cause of health or disease, and has a direct impact on the composition of the intestinal microbiota.

    Ultimately, this concept is realized in what Hippocrates, the father of medicine, already expressed:

    “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”

    A new and revolutionary approach to the subject of nutrition, but based on solid scientific foundations, ranging from genetics to immunology, biophysics, and the biochemistry of foods.

    However, nutrition genomics goes beyond identifying a personalized diet for each individual. In order to interact and synergize with the biochemical resources of the body to support long-term health, a system has been set up to monitor the patient’s progress in all areas, from changes in weight and volume to changes in laboratory test results, or to the total (where possible) or partial resolution of digestive system issues (dysbiosis, gastroesophageal reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, …) or a wide range of pathological conditions.

    The study of the microbiota and the correction of any imbalances has led us over the years to see many patients resolve inflammatory conditions and significantly reduce autoimmune diseases like psoriasis.

    Gut Microbiota

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