Our services
About Fitotherapy
In phytotherapy, what interacts with the body is not a single active ingredient, as in pharmacology, but the entire medicinal plant, known as a “phytocomplex.” The use of the whole plant allows the phytotherapist to treat not only the symptom but also the entire individual in a harmonious and non-aggressive way. The plant is thus used as a cohesive unit of elements, containing one or more active ingredients that characterize its main therapeutic use. However, it is the combined effect of these elements, often considered inert or of little importance, that contributes to the plant’s overall healing value.
Phytocomplexes can be used in the form of mother tinctures (which have an alcoholic content, making them unsuitable for children), dry extracts with appropriate titration (from roots, leaves, or whole plants, suitable for adults without swallowing difficulties), gemmotherapy or glycerin macerates (using buds with a very low alcohol content, making them safe for children), or hydroenzymatic extracts (an extraction method using enzymatic processes, resulting in alcohol-free preparations, suitable even for young children).
Phytotherapy can be used to prevent diseases by supporting the body’s normal biological functions, as well as in the integration of established diseases (by mitigating the side effects of conventional medications, reducing the dosage of medications, and aiding the body’s healing process).
A visit to a phytotherapist involves both the evaluation of organic aspects (a complete physical exam) and a thorough medical history, which includes not only past illnesses but also lifestyle factors and the approach to life’s challenges. The holistic approach considers the individual in their entirety, following both ancient Hippocratic principles and modern methods defined by PNEI (psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune interactions).
People of all ages can benefit from phytotherapeutic approaches.